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 NEW Online CPD Course from The Institute for Optimum Nutrition - Enzyme Therapeutics in Clinical Practice

NEW Online CPD Course from The Institute for Optimum Nutrition - Enzyme Therapeutics in Clinical Practice

  Published to Upcoming Events on Jul 21, 2024

This course will explain how to utilise foods nutrients and supplements to support digestion, nutrient absorption and intestinal health, alongside their critical role in detoxification process and for the resolution of all forms of inflammation. It will explain the potential of enzymes as therapeutic agents and their application and impact on clinical outcomes.  

Upon completion, attendees will understand the mechanisms, synergies, indication and contraindications of natural and supplemental enzymes and gain a comprehensive understanding of utilising enzymes for therapeutic effect and health outcomes.

The Intimidation Factor: Enzymes, despite their significant therapeutic potential, can present a daunting challenge for professionals due to several factors, including dosing complexities, expectations management, time frame considerations, and intricate interactions. However, this comprehensive academic course aims to alleviate these concerns and foster confidence among participants in choosing and utilising enzymes effectively while adeptly navigating the diverse landscape of enzyme products.

Click here for more information and to register

Tags: cpd

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