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 Clinical Education Online Event - The Environmental Health Advanced Practice Modules: Addressing the toxic effects of the Exposome

Clinical Education Online Event - The Environmental Health Advanced Practice Modules: Addressing the toxic effects of the Exposome

  Published to Upcoming Events on Feb 20, 2025

Addressing the toxic effects of the exposome by enhancing biotransformation and elimination

In the 21st century, two things have become increasingly apparent: first, we are exposed to a more complex array of toxic compounds in our air, water, and food than ever before; second, it has been recognised that an individual's ability to detoxify (i.e. biotransform and excrete) toxic substances is of critical importance to overall health. 

While the concept that toxicants accumulate in the body and are the cause of various health problems has long been a fundamental tenet of traditional healthcare systems around the world, we have learned a great deal in recent years about how toxicants and toxins affect us, where they originate, and how to improve our ability to detoxify in a toxic world. Understanding toxicity and taking practical steps to improve biotransformation and elimination are essential and critical pieces in any integrative approach to your patients' health and well-being.

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