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 BSEM In-person Conference - Unravelling Brain Health

BSEM In-person Conference - Unravelling Brain Health

  Published to Upcoming Events on Sep 16, 2024

BSEM is celebrating its 40th Anniversary and to help mark this milestone they are holding a Scientific Conference: Unravelling Brain Health, in conjunction with the Public Health Collaboration UK.

In a world where mental health disorders are reaching an unprecedented scale, with the World Health Organisation citing nearly 1 billion affected individuals globally, the economic and social costs are staggering. Depression and anxiety alone have an economic impact exceeding $1 trillion each year. Simultaneously, Alzheimer's disease, once a lesser-known affliction, now touches the lives of countless individuals as its prevalence soars.

"Unravelling Brain Health" is a conference crafted at the confluence of these urgent challenges. For over 40 years, the British Society for Ecological Medicine (BSEM) has championed the role of nutritional interventions in managing mental health. The Public Health Collaboration echoes this sentiment, advocating for dietary strategies that underpin metabolic health. This October, these two pioneering organisations join forces to host a landmark conference in London.

Their mission is to synthesise the expertise of leading researchers, clinicians, and thought leaders in the field of brain health. They aim to shed light on the transformative potential of nutritional and metabolic interventions in improving the outcomes of mental health conditions and neurodegenerative diseases.

The conference will not only feature presentations by esteemed experts but also offer an interactive panel discussion. This panel, comprising clinicians at the vanguard of these innovative interventions, will provide insights into their efficacy, guide on practical applications within clinical practice, and field questions from the audience.

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